Tom Lee Music - Digital Petting Zoo

Set Off On A Virtual Band Instrument Safari

You will soon have the chance to learn and play an instrument in the school band. But there are SO many instruments – which one should you pick?? How will you ever know which one is right for you?

Not to worry – you are in the right place. Your adventure starts RIGHT HERE where you will find out everything you need to get started on your own band journey.

Let’s Get Going!

Welcome to the beginning of your band journey

Learning to play a musical instrument is not only FUN, it is also very good for you - it can make you stronger and smarter! Watch this video to find out more.

Each instrument in the band has its own unique sound and role to play. Some play high, some play low, all will lead at times and all will support at times. None is more important than the other but rather work together so that everyone sounds good. Below you will find some of the most common ones – let’s take a look...

Click on each instrument to explore!

NOW it's your turn

Playing in Band is one of the most rewarding activities you can participate in at school. Please take a moment to think about which of these instruments we’ve explored might be the one for you. Even better – choose your top three and let your band teacher know so they can help you make the best choice!

We really hope that you will join in making music in Band next year. It may not be easy and you will have to put in some effort, but hopefully you are excited and inspired to learn some new skills and make a contribution to your friends and classmates!

Congratulations, you've just taken your first step on your super fun and exciting band journey!